By joining the Mirrorcle team I hoped to achieve my learning goal of getting experience farther into the design-process as a designer. Working together with Jelle catalyzed my growth in developing a business attitude enormously. Being placed between Jasper, who is by nature a real designer, and Jelle who is by nature a real businessman gave me new insight into understanding my place in the team. I feel comfortable in business and in design, but mostly, being the link in between.
In the campaign for the TU/e contest I experienced starting a campaign to create awareness about a product. I also used my pitching strengths in the high-pressure final.
Your one-minute-pitch was top. ~ Jan Mengelers (Voorzitter College van Bestuur TU/e).
The feedback I got on my pitching was very encouraging, and I am going to take this strength to a very high level in the future. I also developed a new vision on the clinical health sector.
Although design plays a vital role in the sector, limitations, clinical credibility and testing create a spider-web that provides many limitations. Because of this I have tuned my vision towards becoming a designer for reinstatement or improvement of mental wellbeing through intelligent design, storytelling and creation of empathy.
The full project report can be found here.