
This semester I have finally taken the step to register as a small graphic design studio. Studio Mockingbird. This has been a goal of mine since semester B2.2. I have been doing graphic work for a while, but always as a one-off, small case with a client. The main reason for me to start this company was to get over my “fear” of being solely responsible for a real business. Next to that, there are many financial and strategic marketing benefits to being registered as a company. It poses the opportunity of experimenting with (possibly disruptive) business models in the future. Since the company and its website are both currently under construction, I have only managed to tailor to a handful of clients.

I have gained experience in negotiating a price and taken the next steps to becoming more confident in my business and entrepreneurship competency outside the walls of the TU/e.

Next to this I have learned the first steps in proposing a project and getting the necessary information out of a client effectively.
For the design of the eSport Psychology Skill Book and logo of Studio Mockingbird I collaborated with Myrte van Dongen, who might play a key role in the company in the future.

“Studio Mockingbird heeft zich bewezen in het vertalen van de ideeën in mijn hoofd tot een eindproduct. De samenwerking was erg prettig en professioneel. De kwaliteit die zij leveren is, ondanks hun relatief kort bestaan, van zeer hoge kwaliteit (zie eSportpsychologie boekje). Ik zal ze vaker inzetten voor ontwerp en design opdrachten en zou anderen dat ook adviseren te doen.”

-Mischa German


